Anssh awards
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The Asian Nutrition Society for Sport and Health (ANSSH) achievement awards are created to honor researchers at each stage of career in sport and health nutrition.

  1. The Lifetime Achievement Award honors senior leaders (ages above 60) with longstanding contribution in the field of sport and/or health nutrition.
  2. The Mid-Career Researcher Award recognizes exceptional achievements and is intended to honor an individual aged 36 to 50 at the time of award with a minimum working experience of 10 years and have made exceptional advances in the middle part of their career and have become recognized leaders in sport and/or health nutrition.
  3. The Young Investigator Award recognizes potential scholars in Asia and is intended to honor individuals aged below 35 at the time of award, who demonstrated contribution in research finding unrelated to previous mentor in the early part of their career and have potential of becoming regional leaders in sport and/or health nutrition.


  1. The Lifetime Achievement Award winner will receive a Certificate of Achievement and cash prize of USD 1000, during Opening Ceremony.
  2. The Mid-Career Researcher Award winner will receive a Certificate of Achievement and cash prize of USD 1000, during Welcome Reception.
  3. The Young Investigator Award will receive a Certificate of Achievement and cash prize of USD 350, during Closing Ceremony.

Note: Cash prize will be given out in SGD at the exchange rate of 1.32.


Selection criteria for Lifetime Achievement Award:

Selection criteria for Mid-Career Researcher Award:

Selection criteria for Young Investigator Award:


The award is managed by the Awards Committee of ANSSH which includes the President, Secretary General and 3 volunteers from EXCO members.


The nominee is required to provide the following documents:

  1. A cover letter (1 page maximum) with full name, organization, mailing address, email address, telephone number and nominee date of birth. This statement will include information supporting the candidate’s suitability for the award.
  2. A brief curriculum vitae (maximum 2 -pages) of nominee.
  3. A short essay (no more than 700 words) entitled "Why capacity-building is important for the future of sports, health and exercise nutrition. What will be your role as a leader in sports and exercise nutrition development and how you intend to contribute to ANSSH?”
  4. List of 10 most relevant publications in sports, exercise and/or health nutrition with proper citation, titles and including a citation analysis (one page maximum). 
  5. Two letters of support from established scientists familiar with the nominee's qualifications and area of research.

Proposed Citation
The proposed citation must be less than 30 words and entered the online form. The nominator will summarize the achievements upon which the nomination is based, avoiding flowery descriptors.


Submission starts: 1 December 2022
Submission deadline: 30 April 2023

The nomination will be sent to the ANSSH Secretariat Office, Awards Nomination Secretariat, Ms. Lifang Wang, before deadline. These awards will be made available once every two years, but ANSSH may decide not to make an award if no suitable recipients come to light.

ICANS 2023 Conference Secretariat