Welcome message by co-chairs

On behalf of the ICANS2023 organising committee, we are honoured and delighted to welcome you to the International Conference on Adaptations and Nutrition in Sports in the beautiful city of Singapore. We have a chosen a venue that guarantees a feast to intellectual minds and gastronomic fans amid the unique culture and the extensive array of Singaporean hawker classics.

The conference theme, “Maximising Human Potential in a Changing World” has been carefully chosen to emphasise that change is constant and accelerating faster than ever. Maximising one's potential to perform the best will never be a challenge when we unlock the most compelling opportunities and address the challenges in the space of sports nutrition.

At this conference let us celebrate what we, as a professional community, have achieved. Additionally this conference will be one for us to share our thoughts and exchange ideas on how to chart our journey forward to reach new heights in the field of sports nutrition and adaptations in relation to performance. We have an exciting program lined up with eminent speakers spanning across the globe. This conference will allow members to reflect upon and jointly explore current and future research directions, renew friendships, extend networks, and expand businesses. We hope that you will have a productive and fun‐filled time at this very special conference. To convene a conference of this magnitude is not a small task and the success of the conference ultimately relies on the many people who have worked with us tirelessly in planning and organizing both the technical program and supporting social arrangements. We would like to thank all the supporting organisations for shouldering the responsibility and playing co-host at this conference.

Our heartfelt thanks to all our generous sponsors for providing financial support and access to varied resources.

We are privileged to be co-chairs of this important conference and we look forward to welcoming you in Singapore.

Dr Kalpana Bhaskaran
Centre for Applied Nutrition Services & Glycemic Index Research Unit
Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore

A/Prof. Jason Lee
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore